
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Frugal Habits Follow-Up: Reader Tips!

I loved reading the fabulous frugal tips people left in the comments of my Four Frugal Habits post. You all reminded me of many things I already do and gave me some great new ideas too, so ThAnK YoU ladies!

Just in case you didn't have chance to read the comments let me share the frugal habits our friends shared. They are all so great.

1. Thrift Store Shopping!! My mom was an avid thrift store shopper growing up. I even remember her giving classes at our church about thrift store shopping. You never know what treasures you will find, clothes or home goods. If you are in need of another 9x13 glass pan or other bake ware check out the thrift store. You're likely to find what you need for a fraction of the box-store price!

Still need to do school shopping for the kids? Check out my post on buying clothes second-hand!

2. Cloth Swim Diapers! Several people said that they use cloth swim diapers. Awesome!! It makes perfect sense. I remember seeing them in Target a few years back and thinking that was a nice concept, but didn't have a baby that needed them at the time. Ahh, I wish I would have just bought a few then so I didn't forget about them.

Although kids may be back in school now my guess is that most of us are still boiling in the sun and that swimming is still on our agenda even if just on the weekends. Here are a few cloth swim diapersthat I found. Adorable fabrics huh?!

3. e.l.f. $1 Make-up! I had totally forgotten about this great company. I've purchase make-up from them before but it has been a while. e.l.f. sells their make-up for only $1 (mineral wear and studio make-up is a few dollars more). I really liked their make-up. I though the quality was good and the variety and colors they offered was great.

You do have to pay for shipping, but do a quick Internet search for a free shipping code and you can get makeup for only $1!! How great is that?! e.l.f. is having a 30% off sale on their Studio line of make-up and they are offering FREE Shipping on any order over $30 (use code: THRIFTY). Check out what e.l.f.has to offer!

Thanks for sharing your frugal habits! I'd love to hear more ideas if anyone has them.

**Speaking of Frugal . . . I just purchased a huge bottle of Ibuprofen and two sets of ear buds using Amazon gift cards I got from Swag Bucks. That means I got them for FREE!!! Learn about Swagbucks HERE or HERE. ***
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1 comment:

  1. Select Target stores now sell ELF makeup in store. It' great!!!
