
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Want to Get in Shape? Fitness Goals

Running my first leg (out of 3) in the
Hood to Coast relay this past August. It was so stinking hot out!
Exercise. It's a thing I didn't learn to love (or even like) until I moved 3,000 miles from family and friends and wanted to do something for myself.  Now 2.5 years later and three races completed I still really like it!! I'm not lying, I really do.

I find exercise to be exhausting and sometimes more of a mental challenge than a physical one, but it's so rewarding to see results and accomplish goals.

My first fitness goal ever was to run a 8K (5 miles) three months after by 4th baby was born. There is nothing more motivating than trying to lose that baby weight and get back in normal clothes again. So even though I was never a runner or a goal setter ( I really hate setting goals) I actually did it and it was AMAZING. I came running into the finish line with tears in my eyes in absolute disbelief that I actually finished the race and much faster than I expected. Truly a great moment in my life.

So if you are like the majority of people out there and have set a goal to exercise and lose weight in 2012 you can read more about my first race and the baby steps I took to accomplish HERE. Hopefully it will give you a little direction and motivation to get started. I am still very much a rookie in the exercise and running world, but I always like to hear about other's experiences so I though maybe you'd like to hear about mine.

My favorite place to exercise is actually at the gym. I LOVE the treadmill, eliptical machines and lifting weights. I do much better when I am visually distracted while exercising so watching tv or reading a book ( or people watching) while exercising helps me out a lot and I can push myself to go longer.

There is always running outside and listening to an ipod to get you through a workout too (I'm starting to like it more). I find running outside works a whole different set of muscles than a treadmill does so it's good variety for me to do both.

But you know what? I actually haven't run on a treadmill or outside for about 4 months . . . yikes!! I could give a whole slew of excuses, but I won't. I'll just say that I'm making that same New Years resolution as the rest of you . . . to get in shape.

And now for my 2012 Fitness Goals:
Exercise 4 days a weeks - at least 3 days with cardio 
Run a 10k (6 miles) in under 9:15 miles (faster than my last 10k).

Simple goals, but they will still challenge me.

No gym membership for me at this time in my life and the mornings are way too dark still for me to run outside so I exercise indoors (or I will be starting to as soon as  I finish this post).

Here are my favorite sites for exercise tips/videos and nutrition tips - all things you can do in the comfort of your home. I think you'll really love them as much as I do. They are such great workouts!

Trainer Mamma! She has a great story of losing lots of weight and then becoming a certified personal trainer. She's a great motivator and has such great nutritious recipes, fabulous videos and printable workouts. I really see results when I follow her workouts. She had a baby recently and hasn't really posted anything new lately, but look all through her archives and you will find some really great things!!

Blogilates! Another amazing site. She's extremely healthy in the way she eats, way more so than I will ever be or would ever want to be, but she has some interesting recipes that I think would be worth trying. My favorite part about her site is her videos. She does pilates videos and they are AMAZING!! They are    simple, slow movements that they work your body and and leave you shaking (the good kind of 'I know I worked hard' shaking).

**What are your fitness goals for the year and do you have any fitness blogs or websites to recommend? I'm always looking for variety to add to my workouts!!**

Happy Exercising Everyone!!


  1. Good luck with your Fitness goals! Your first one is also one of mine: to workout 4 times a week. I'm seriously over-weight, so in Sept. I somehow scraped up the $ and joined a gym plus got sessions with a personal trainer. For me, it's absolutely necessary as I didn't know where to start. The crazy thing is I haven't dropped a single pound or lost any inches that I can tell. But, I feel better and have more energy. So I'm sticking with it!

  2. Go Karen!! Yes, stick with it! I bet within a week or two more you'll see the inches go and you'll be building muscle and then you'll see the pounds start to drop off like crazy!! Good luck and you can do it!!

    Enjoy the gym . . . I'm kinda jealous :)

  3. I started running in September and completed a 1 mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile race so far. My goal this year (after my achilles tendinitis heals and I do some PT to strengthen it) is to run a half marathon in September. I'm hoping to do a 5K in April and to be able to run the entire distance without taking a walking break. I never thought I'd enjoy running, but it is SO good for me - emotionally AND physically.

  4. Stephanie! I too never thought I could like running. I have lots of friends and family who are runners and I just thought they were craaaaazzzzyyy!!! I mean, who would want to run for minutes and hours on end?! :) So glad to hear that you've learned to love it! Wow, a half marathon! That's an awesome goal. I'm too scared to do one . . . maybe one day!!
