
Friday, October 1, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls / Biscuits and Gravy Tradition

I've been looking forward to this weekend for quite sometime. On Saturday and Sunday my family (and the rest of our church membership) will be watching General Conference. It an amazingly spiritual two days where we will listen to our Prophet, President Monson, and other Elders and leaders of the church. They will teach us in further depth about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how to become more like our Savior.

Oh how I love General Conference and the spirit felt while listening to these men. I know these men are called of God to lead and direct us on the Earth today under His direction. If you'd like to watch or listen you can do so online by going HERE. It is also broadcast on most cable networks or local networks depending where you live.

Every Conference weekend since my husband and I have been married we have had a tradition of having biscuits and gravy on Saturday while we watch and listen and then on Sunday we eat cinnamon rolls. (Yum!)
April 2008

For some silly reason I always find myself trying new recipes for cinnamon rolls or the biscuits. In you are planning to make one of these dishes this weekend (or any time soon) here are the recipes I will be trying out! I'll let you know what I thought on Monday - I'm sure they will be delicious!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and spiritually uplifting weekend!

Need to keep the kids quiet during Conference? Here are a few fun things for them to do that are Sunday and Conference watching appropriate!
Conference Activities for Children
General Conference Helps

1 comment:

  1. YUM cinnamon rolls! Would you mind driving me up some? It's only 4 hours roundtrip! =)
