
Monday, September 20, 2010

What Would You Like To See More Of?

Hey my fellow blogging friends!

First I have to say a big THANK YOU to any and everyone who takes time to stop by my blog. It makes my day to see new followers (almost 50 - wow) and read your comments and know that you like what you are reading and seeing here at The Family Scientista!!

As much as my blog is for sharing my ideas it's also about you and what you, the reader, might like. I have a list of about 100 blog post ideas that continually grows, but I often find myself wondering what all of you want to see on this blog.

My ideas range from telling you how I deal with endless months of morning sickness when I'm pregnant, how we dealt with 3 miscarriages in a row, how I survived my husband being in Dental School while raising 3 kids and managing apartments, how I potty train my kids, sharing my new recipes or starting up a sharing linky party so you all have a place to share your great crafts and/or ideas.

I've posted a poll on the top right of my side bar so if you have a moment please take the poll and let me know what you'd like to see more of on The Family Scientista. You can also leave a comment with any suggestions too!

***  I finally figured out how to make a blog button. If you'd like grab my button and post it on your blog so others can visit The Family Scientista too!***

Thanks for your support and keep coming by!

1 comment:

  1. has a link up every Wednesday, Works for Me Wednesday. I think it would fit in with the kinds of stuff that you post--just whatever tips and stuff work for you!
